Monday, November 20, 2006

In Passing

I just got a catalog in the mail from B&H Photo Video in New York city. I note that in the entire 397-page catalog (although it does include things like audio-visual aids, home electronics, and keyboards), there are only two pages devoted to darkroom equipment.

I have to say I never expected the situation to change quite as quickly as it actually has.


Featured Comment by Bill: As a newspaper photographer I've spent 30 years in the darkroom printing in B&W and color. The newspaper has been digital for years, but my personal work was still silver-based. Since gaining access to an Epson R2400 I've finally reached the point where I really need to question whether the darkroom is neccesary.

I also teach a photo class or two at a university. Like I tell my students, the darkroom is pretty much for artists, cranks and wierdos. I consider myself part of all 3 catagories, but I have not made a silver print in nearly a year. The 120 B&W film I still shoot is now scanned and then printed on the Epson. I too, never thought digital would move so quickly.

Featured Comment by Gary Nylander: I echo Bill's featured comments. I have been a photographer for newspapers for the past 30 years or so also. The paper I now work for has been digital for the past 5 years. I would never want to go back to film for shooting my daily newspaper assignments. I like shooting digital. I also enjoy shooting black and white film on my time off though, mostly view cameras. I have been making prints with my Epson 4800 printer, which I really like using. I used to have a full darkroom in my house; now I have a small area in my laundry room for processing my sheet film. I quite honestly don't miss the long hours standing over trays of chemistry. I too would never have thought that digital would have made such a quick transition.

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