As far as a comparison with its Big-C competitor is concerned, sorry, but the D80 has the 30D beat at the starting gate. I'll tell you why. If you hold any two cameras up to your eyes at once (one to each eye, of course—sorry I have to specify that, but I'll get mail if I don't—and you'll have to hold them vertically, naturally, unless your face is a foot wide), and train them on the same place, you can see a nice visual superimposition of one viewfinder image on top of the other. (If you have trouble with one-eye dominance, open and close each eye alternately a few times.) In this case, the 30D's a little bitty 98-pound-weakling rectangle was nestled inside Nikon's big, bright, bold viewfinder image rectangle. The 30D viewfinder is not bad, exactly, but, as this exercise makes all too clear, neither is the contest close.
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