Every now and then when the moon is almost full I grab my camera. I think it's because I love the phrase "waxing gibbous moon....
Every now and then when the moon is almost full I grab my camera. I think it's because I love the phrase "waxing gibbous moon....
Today is the Blue Moon—the second full moon in a calendar month. Blue moons happen about seven times every nineteen years. Posted by: MIKE J...
Jan von Holleben's Dreams of Flying . Posted by: MIKE JOHNSTON, with thanks to David A. Johnson
And family friend William Eggleston, his camera at his side, felt compelled to shoot By Emily Yellin, Smithsonian magazine The details are...
2007 is shaping up to be a banner year for top-end cameras. Not only is the new Canon EOS 1D Mark III now shipping, with its leading-edge hi...
Encore Data Products, one of this site's sponsors, is having a monster sale on two audio-production-quality Glyph hard drives —you can s...
Purple Day Damaged A comment from Nitsa the other day reminded me to revisit her site, nonphotography.com . There is also a book . Nitsa...
Stephen Crowley's latest project . Posted by: MIKE JOHNSTON Featured Comment by dyathink: "My brother died of AIDS from sharing a...
Mike O'Donoghue writes to tell us that " the Susse Frères black softwood box (1839) went for 480,000€ Saturday at the Westlicht au...
This nation's most hallowed burial ground for its war dead is Virginia's Arlington National Cemetery at Arlington Heights, a beautif...
Last Wednesday, photographer Jim Cole, 57, of Bozeman, Montana, suffered an attack by a grizzly bear while trying out a new digital SLR in t...
If you haven't seen Mark Brautigam's great "On Wisconsin" series online , have a look. Oren—who admits to having an attitu...
This is very funny. ( Warning : the second picture down is not workplace/ school friendly.) Posted by: MIKE JOHNSTON, thanks to Sandy R. Fe...
I appreciate Erwin Puts' comments in his recent article " On Lens Reviews ," and I think he's on to something. His clarifi...
At the risk of further enraging those readers who hate off-topic posts, here's a photo (does it count as on-topic for architectural phot...
by Ctein Contrary to popular opinion, this was not the first true color photograph ever made. It was experimental error. There's a certa...
- The Financial Page by James Surowiecki, The New Yorker Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, allowing us to do things more qui...
What the Duck's new " I Love Photography" merchandise . The design: Simple. Clean. Quirky. Communicative. Kewl! We like. Poste...
There are a couple of codas to my "Taxes" post below (in which I tried to affect a sort of rueful tongue-in-cheek humor and eviden...
Earlier today I got a comment from a reader called darkov who asked: There was a music/cd review blog that you had referred to in some prev...
Michael Reichman once used the phrase "the Photoshop tax" in a conversation with me about imaging software. That is, every so ofte...
Lest anyone think the most important equipment debate is between a shirt-pocket compact cam and a sling-over-the-shoulder entry level DSLR, ...
Unidentified Photographer, Lewis Hine photographing children in a slum , ca. 1910 George Eastman House Collection: Gift of the Photo League,...
The new sensor will enable clearly luminated images from atmospheres as dark as a movie theater. ( Korea Electronic Technology Institute ) b...
This century-old Edward Steichen autochrome, probably of Charlotte Spaulding, has been discovered after decades in storage. By Randy Kennedy...
My Marilyn, from Color Vision and Art An oldie but goodie , from 2006. Posted by: MIKE JOHNSTON
About 55% of this site's readers come from countries other than the U.S., and some of you ask me from time to time about U.S. politics, ...
By Bob Shell It seems that Getty Images learned a few years ago that they could buy 4x5 negatives of images from the US National Archives fo...