A small, quiet, dark picture that might appeal to anyone who has ever lived in the north woods, or might like to. The home pictured is an authentic woodstove-heated log cabin. Taken at twilight. The print is very small, less than 6x9, and I think it looks best with a broad, flat, plain, very dark wooden frame coming right up to the edges of the picture (I tried to mock this up in Photoshop to show you, but making it look just right was beyond my skills). This print makes use of a technique that obscures the finest detail without affecting subjective sharpness, but it's very subtly applied and not immediately evident to non-photographers. None of the individuals are recognizable. Richly printed with pigment inks on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag 100% cotton rag paper. Signed on the front and also the back (in case you want to trim it to fit in a flush frame as suggested).
Price $65 each for the first seven prints, or as many as are sold today before midnight. ($130 thereafter). Please allow up to four weeks for delivery, although it will most probably not take that long.

Wisconsin #5, $65
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