Off Topic, but too cool not to share: iConcertCal is currently the featured (free) download at Apple. After installing & (re-)launchin...
Off Topic, but too cool not to share: iConcertCal is currently the featured (free) download at Apple. After installing & (re-)launchin...
Following up on the "Careful What You Wish For" post below, this admittedly rather messy graphic is my attempt to superimpose the ...
Today's the last day to get the registration discount for the big pinhole/alternative fest in Pittsburgh this April. The official title ...
I'm just curious as to whether anyone within the sound of my voice is actually shooting with this new lens, or knows of any online info....
by Micah Marty Completely overlooked in the online fuss over Canon’s new flagship SLR was the incorporation of a significant new capability:...
Tattooed Madonnas and feral children: Photographers frame the family Sally Mann, Jessie Bites , 1985 by Leslie Camhi , The Village Voice Pho...
The lost archive of Eugene de Salignac . With pictures. Posted by: OREN GRAD, hat tip to John Flavell, LF board Photo: New York Municipal Ci...
NURI BILGE CEYLAN? Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Baker boy in Urfa, 2004 Short Take: Turkish film director, from Istanbul, who shot an extensive serie...
You probably haven't heard this, because it's hardly been mentioned on the web at all, but Canon has come out with a successor to it...
There are now six new free Lightroom tutorials on the RawWorkflow.com site (numbers 6 through 11), covering everything from the Quick Devel...
by Carl Weese After traveling all last week I've been playing catch-up and it took me until Wednesday to realize that Adobe posted the l...
'Kay, I'm being kinda snarky again. (If you haven't noticed, "snarky" has replaced "curmudgeonly" as my favo...
“A View From an Apartment” (2004–5) blends two scenes, those of the domestic clutter in the foreground and the urban landscape beyond. By Ro...
The print on the left is a good print for my Epson R 800 printer. The print on the right is what I was getting last month. You'll never...
According to the teaser on olympus-europa.com's Digital SLR page (above), two new DSLRs will be announced on 5 March 2007. Posted by: O...
The Charlie Rose interview with Henri Cartier-Bresson has made its way online . Cartier-Bresson interviews were always flawed, because no in...
1. Britney Spears is gay. You heard it here first. 2. The new Canon 1Ds Mk. III is a very interesting camera. Although it has a considerably...
by Joe Reifer Peter Krogh is the author of The DAM Book: Digital Asset Management for Photographers . Recently I've had a chance to watc...
Bill Sullivan, More Turns This is just the coolest. What a great idea, and very nicely done. Bill Sullivan. Never heard of him before. Well,...
Speaking of lenses for DSLRs, Pentax has just announced a new series of top-of-the-line, premium digital-only lenses called DA* (say "d...
How many people out there have bought a film-era SLR lens for their DSLR only to be vaguely disappointed in its performance—even if it's...
Apropos of yesterday, I hate to say this, y'all, but whether you shoot with this lens for $2,795 or with this one for $25 [ the link i...
SA * ...Or, How to Be Cool in Nine Easy Lessons: 1. The fewer lenses you use, the cooler you are.** 2. Committing to one camera is very co...
Lens connoisseurship has been a significant hobby of mine for more than ten years now. I call it a "hobby" because it really doesn...
The "normal" lens these days is a cheap consumer zoom, ordinarily bundled with a DSLR. Modern computer design, manufacturing techn...
I had the opportunity recently to use four of the new Leica M mount "ZM" lenses from Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen. The guy who made the ...
Andrew Smith: Quiet Reflections On Photography by Chantal Stone Photographer Andrew Smith has a style that is quiet, reflective, even phil...